pleasure to inform all again I got 1st prize (certificate & 3 books) in
under Ministry of cultural affairs public library essay competition in Ga
unit.Chief minister's Adviser H T Imam given me the prize. All TV channel
captured the function and showing today's news. (Sep 16)
Guest came 45 minutes late, its the Bangladeshi VIP's tradition. But Mr. Imam
told lots of experiences & story about Great leader Sheikh Mujib's
story.Many students attend the function & managements coordination and
arrangements superb. Government officers are inspiring. Thanks to Mr. Alam
Talukder (additional Secretary) & Mr. Asif Mahtab (Asst. Libarian). Amazing
talent showed there like small kids performance in poem reading. Rajuk Uttara
Model & Residential School got several prizes.

I got 2nd prize in essay competition in
Govt. Public Library in Shahbagh, prize given by Poet Syed Shamsul Haq
.I got 3 nicebooks and certificate for my creation.
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