Perceptions Toward Real Life Heros and Filmy Heros

Dr. Muhammad Younus: The Concept of SOCIAL BUSINESS is cordially welcomed by almost 35 countries & practicing it for peoples welfare. In Bangladesh I request to all of upper class & established people to understand the concept & taking action for the poor.( Oct 13, 2012)

Recent days Hallmark Group loan scandal is getting much popularity. The little-known Hallmark Group and five other companies allegedly misappropriated Tk 3,700 crore by taking loans from the Sonali Bank’s Rupashi Bangla branch by showing fake documents. If Dr. Muhammad Younus or Grameen Bank done this type of incidents then our Government will hang (Fasi dito) them. Still no arrest so disappointment for the nation. It’s a total failure of Central Bank’s monitoring system and Ministry of Finance.

Women Cricket Team: Congratulation for Bangladesh Women Cricket Team. My perception this team can brings lots of trophy, fame and dignity earlier then Men National Cricket Team. Players performed well and have potentiality for winning. I wish this team will get huge success in world cricket.(Sep 15)

Jashim: King of Fighter of Bangladeshi movie named Hero Jashim’s 14th death anniversary held yesterday. He is the Guru of all movie fighters in BD. I like his acting and action & remembering his contribution in our cinema.

Che Guevara:Today Che Guevara (A major figure of the Cuban Revolution) 45th death anniversary. I also give salute to the legendary soldier. Feel happy to my birth date is 14th June, it also Guevara’s birthday.

Salman Shah: Legendary actor Salman Shah’s (1971-1996) 16th death anniversary held recently. Only four years his film career given 27 hit films. Some heartiest fans were doing suicide to know his death. Government not gave any recognition to him. I salute the legend & his contribution in our film industry. May Allah give him heaven?(Oct 2)

Limon:Limon was a 16-year-old student when he lost a leg after being shot by RAB in a spoiled operation in March 2011. Lots of case, again attacking made her family in deep trouble. Upper class, powerful people and lawyer please assist Limon otherwise his career will be finished. Allah apnader valo korben.(Sep 22)

My Boro Khala:One year passed of My Boro Khala’s death. Frnds pray for her soul. May Allah give her heaven? She was a wonderful lady always help my family and providing support. We missed her lot and remembered her contribution in our life.
A special person in my life gave me some wonderful pens. She is awesome, I like her lot as my best friend.(Sep 12)

Lin Cox: In 1987 A lady Lin Cox swimming over USA to Russia for two countries friendship bridge making. She swims over ice, fact is no one yet do this. She was swimming in barring system only for stopping war against two giants. She was succeed and two countries government were starting journey and balanced relationship. At present we need some special preparation for bridge making between Awami League & BNP & Save our Country.(Sep 10)

Humayun Ahmed:King Humayun Ahmed passed away. His Kingdom not only Nuhashpolli also our heart. My Salute for the king. His film and drama I never forget. May Allah bless his soul. I m crying for the magician Creator.(July 23,2012)

Sharmin Ahmad: Today a fantastic session attend and manage in SUB Seminar room with Sharmin Ahmad (Reepi Aunty) about A rainbow in a heart & Peace Education. Faculties & students attached in her speaking moments. Teachers & students also thanked me for this arrangement. I m truly honored & thanks for one & only Nipa Mam without her help this seminar may not be possible.(July 9,2012)

In July 3 I m going to attend Tajuddin Ahmed Trust Function in Senate Bhaban at DU. Its pleasure to meet many renown persons like professor, writer, scholars in there. Also Reepi Aunty & her son Ajit Bhaiya encourage and praise I always remember. Nishat also going there.( July 5,2012)
