Letter to Bongobondhu-onlyzitu@gmail.com

Date: February 10, 2012
Dear Bongobondhu
Take my Salam and regards for you and your family. I am a student of a Business School. I wrote the letter in English because Bangla type tough for me and sorry for this. But I promised you my next letter will be in Bangla, our mother tongue. Take my fathers Salam behalf of me. You know My father is a freedom fighter and following your ethics.
You know our countries young genaration again in action against liberation war criminal at Shahbagh Square. We want justice and justice will ensure when hang that culprits. You made Awami League but Awami league’s activities at present not up to the mark. No doubt Sheikh Hasina hate corruption but could not control her party members corruption. She must be liable for this. She emphasized her party's achievements always broadly but not written problems, constraint and failure stories. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina could not control them. Bishwajit Killing another worse example of Chatro League’s recent activities. They create unusual situations in public universities. Shame for them and request to you, Please tell your party to control them. Another complain is Padma Bridge finance, Hallmark incidents and Destiny issue are not efficiently handed by this Government and Anti-corruption commission. This governments rental and quick rental projects not effective for our welfare. I believes in your direction or path. Undoubtfully If you were leading our countries minimum 10 years then our country will be more strong in economy, corruption rate will be lower and peoples are enjoying happiest life. When you were president that time Moulana Vasani opposed your direction that time your intelligence said, sir please took step against Mr. Moulna’s activities. But you said, secretary brought some oranges from Sylhet and also said Mr. Moulana like oranges too much also sondesh and curd brought from Tangail. If any other who relates with Government replace Bongobondhu in this situation must said send him jail or given case against Mr. Moulana. But you were different by nature. Bakshal was a political activity to united whole nation and determine national politics. Four pillars of  Bakshal was- Unity, stop corruption, birth control and production increased. If you are staying present time then must create Bakshal & it will be good for our countries politics. Mr. Mujib you were outstanding leader and your leadership qualities were fabulous. I never see you but imagine your administrative work. You were a kind man & open hearted person. Your one of the greatest success was given Bangladeshi Constitution in one year, whereby Pakistan was not given in 25 years. Only reason of your death is you loved Bangladesh too much rather than your life. Your thought, working policy, presence of mind, decision taking power, dreams etc. were role model for any leader of the world. Behind your killing must be hand of foreign countries.  Every person of Bangladesh needs to know about the great leader and believe you are father of the nation & top friend of Bangladesh.
I always pray for Bongobondhu and your family’s soul. Your contribution is never forgettable in history of Bangladesh. I feel proud to born in Mujib’s Bangladesh & son of freedom fighter, who fought for your direction. Wherever you stay may Allah Keep you safe. And lastly pray for your golden Bangladesh.

Best Regards
Fahad Zitu

Got Memento and Book for this writing. Thanks to Brittanto 71.
